Intestines are an important part of our body and if we don’t take care of it, some very unpleasant conditions may occur such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and hemorrhoids. They are not deadly but will interfere in our normal way of living. Changing our diet and breaking bad habits can help in curing bad bowels and maintaining them in healthy shape. Medicine for the intestine or medizin für den darm has improved a lot over the years and we have many options to stay healthy.
Healthy Diet
Milk and dairy products should be avoided. If you are lactose intolerant or had Celiac disease or chemotherapy, then you lack an enzyme that’s in charge of breaking down the lactose. Lactose is sugar found in milk and it can cause us having gases, bloating, diarrhea and stomach ache. On another hand, yogurt is extremely beneficial since it has healthy bacteria that are renewing your intestinal walls. Lean meat such as chicken and fish are not in connection to causing colon cancer as the high-fat red meat is.
For the inflammatory bowel disease, the best natural cure is salmon meat since it’s full of omega 3 fatty acids. Ginger has been used as a source of health for centuries. Fennel is full of fiber it can prevent constipation. Dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli help food go quicker and smoother through our digestion system. We should drink a lot of water. It will improve our metabolism. A glass of cold water is recommended before having a meal (preferably +4 degrees) and slightly warm water if we drink it after we have already finished a meal.
What Should You Avoid?
We should have a diverse type of food in our diet, but some of them should be taken in the smallest portion since the bigger quantity can have an opposite effect on our health. That kind of food is chilly and anything that is spicy. A glass of wine or even a bear that is full of vitamin B is beneficial when consumed once in a while.
Corn as any vegetable is healthy, but it contains cellulose which is hard for digesting. Tea is the number one natural medicine and we also use it as a preventive for cold or other diseases, but in larger doses can cause cramping or diarrhea. We should quit bad habits like not sleeping enough, 8 hours of sleep is normal. Smoking cigarettes is not an option. We should eat 3 hours before going to bed at the latest, so the body will have enough time to digest it.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are healthy, but some are more suitable for our organism. An easy way to determine which plants are the best for us is by our origins. If for example our ancestry has lived in continental Europe and has eaten apples for centuries, then our genetics has developed in that manner and our system will react positively to that type of food. In that case, tropical fruit wouldn’t be, just not that beneficial.
The same goes for meat. Just by exploring our family tree, we can find out which are possible allergens. Also, even if it’s widely common that the seaweed and similar seafood is health elixir, it is medically proven that people whose ancestries have never eaten that type of food don’t even have enzymes to digest it.
Exercises are necessary for a long and good quality of life. We don’t need to go to the gym, 30 minutes home exercise is more than enough. If that is also too much for someone, it could be less, but 10 minutes daily stretch is a must, so every muscle in our body could have good blood flow and prevent atrophy. The best exercise for the digestive system is squats. Doing a few squats and repeating that 10 times would be a great daily exercise for older people. There are specific exercises for every age and you can find many methods online. Read more here.
Gluten is a group of proteins, called glutelins and prolamins, which exist in various cereal grains. The bad thing that gluten can do to our body is that it damages cells in our intestinal walls so the walls can’t receive nutritional ingredients. It further results in cramping, bloating and other Irritable bowel symptoms. If we are still not sure whether to cut out gluten or not, it is recommended when it comes to bread and pastry made of oat bran, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
Test for non-celiac gluten sensitivity that will prove our intolerance doesn’t exist. Some doctor offers blood, stool or saliva tests, but in the end, they haven’t been validated and can’t be accepted. Therefore, we can try a gluten-free diet, to check if it will make us feel better or if we know that someone from our family is intolerant. There are no bad consequences from this diet since there are replacements for this type of food on the market.
Healthy Meal Rules
It’s not enough to eat healthy food to maintain a good digestive tract. It is very important how we mix different types of food in a meal. We should be careful with eating too much of one ingredient or lacking another. So the diet should be balanced and nutritious with protein, carbs, and vitamins in proper portions. There is no need for eating meat every day, twice a week is more than enough. With meat, we should combine fruits and vegetables, like any type of salads.
Bananas and potatoes shouldn’t be mixed with since they have starch. Also, dairy products or even yogurt should be on that dish. Another important tip is to eat any type of nuts: hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, flax seeds and sesame seeds. They are the best source of plant-based proteins, and they provide a wide range of healthful fatty acids and other nutrients. Not to forget, we shouldn’t exaggerate it, one hand of nuts daily is enough.