Both emotional and physical stress can cause hair loss, which is another source of stress. Although it is true that hair usually grows back upon removal of the source or sources of the stress, it is also true that several things can be done to prevent or at least minimise hair loss.
Understanding Hair Loss That is Stress-Related
Be familiar with all three kinds of stress-related hair loss.
Telogen effluvium
With this type of stress-induced hair loss, stress will cause a number of follicles to go into resting phase, preventing strands from growing. Eventually, hair connected to follicles affected will begin falling out in greater volume.
Alopecia areata
In this case, the immune system will turn on follicles and cause the falling out of strands in large chunks. Stress is one of many factors that cause this kind of hair loss.
This particular condition isn’t the same as the others mentioned above, since it involves someone deliberately and compulsively pulling out strands from their head and other body parts. One usually develops the condition as his or her one way of managing stress, depression, and anxiety.
Keep in mind that, you can get clip-in extensions from Jadore Hair Supplies to help you deal with your hair loss. But you should always get a diagnosis from a doctor to see if you do have a case of stress-related hair loss.
While it is true that stress sometimes directly causes hair loss, there are cases when stress will cause the worsening of existing conditions. It is also not unheard of for hair loss to cause stress or be a symptom of something more serious. Hence, you are a lot better off seeing a doctor instead of self-diagnosing.
If you believe the hair loss is really due to stress, treatment should focus on minimising or eliminating stress. Once this is achieved, strands should grow back again independent of drug treatments.
Reducing Physical and Emotional Stress
* Get sufficient amounts of sleep. A lack of sleep contributes to physical and mental stress alike.
If you are having trouble improving your sleep pattern, start by waking up and getting to sleep at the same time each day. The aim is to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Also, avoid doing stimulating things before sleeping. Some things that can keep you up until late night or early dawn include scary shows, the brightness of your phone’s or laptop’s screen, and exercise.
* Maintain a healthy diet.
With healthy meals, your body will feel more energetic, making it more capable of dealing with stress. Also, make sure to eat three times each day.
* Exercise a lot.
Working out helps alleviate stress since it allows your body to release endorphins or happy hormones.
* See a therapist or at least talk to someone you trust.
Dealing with emotional stress on your own will cause it to worsen over time, so talk to someone you can trust with your feelings.